Thursday, May 20, 2010

NEW SITE for SECRETS coming soon!!

So we just got to play with the test version of the new site! Wow! First off what is pretty cool is being able to read all the blogs SOMW operates in one place. So you can easily read the NY, Miami, Chicago and all the future cities without going to different sites. But that's just the blogs!

As Model or industry professional you'll be able The website is a virtual concierge for models as our chief officer in NY, Gina, likes to call it.

Want to know what events will be in Miami when you go there for Fashion Week? Add it to your page to EASILY read.

Want to see if your bf is going to be in LA when you get back from Korea? Send her a message.

Want to write a blog and share your thoughts to the SOMW Magazine? We'll take it.

Want to have a group discussion on the best diet and exercise regiments? Go ahead and start a forum.

Want to upload photos or polaroids for agencies to see you from other cities? You can.

Aspiring to get better at posing and walking? We have video instructions uploaded by members and other pros.

Wanna know what perks as member we have hand picked or added from Model suggestions like fashion, food, and services? We got it exclusively to our members.

There is so much more than we have room for. We are happy to tell you all that the wait is almost over. Just know it's coming soon and will be the place our tight knit community of professionals in the modeling industry will have a place to organize and call home.

SECRETS OF THE MODELING WORLD will always be here for Models.