Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Anonymous letter to the Young Models

Here is an anonymous letter from an experienced model for the young girls who are braving the new world on their own. Stay on your toes, be aware of everything, and make smart choices that won't harm yourself. We can't thank our SECRET friend enough for these stories and words of wisdom...

"The fashion industry is a great place to grow and experience many fresh and cool aspects of life. It has open many doors for me as a person. It has also brought about many changes in my life including some that will always stick with me.

I think that many people forget models are people. They forget through their words and expectations of weight and rejection. The other day I was told, "I like how skinny the models are in NY, it makes it feel like I am getting a show because you don't see people who look like that everyday." When I asked the person at what cost, she responded with, "It is not my problem, I cannot change a whole industry." Hmmm.. I guess it doesn't matter that girls are killing themselves for this. No responsibility means no blame. I have traveled to many countries and have met many models. Some that were street savvy with strong character and some that were at too young of an age to understand that modeling is a business.

I lived overseas for awhile for work. Where the size to be a model is known to most as "emaciated". The lengths that the girls would go to for this unrealistic size broke your heart. Many of the girls start traveling at a young age with either the benefit of a parent or guardian or on their own. I have met many who were the sole bread winners for their family. Living away from loved ones and in the supervision with many people who in the end only cared about the big next campaign. Many were encouraged to stay thin, and they did through "partying" (we will call it), bulimia anorexia or laxatives. The worst I ever saw was a young girl at the age of 16 who would dip cotten balls in orange juice to stay full.

I have to say looking back I ended up in many situations that could have been avoided. Especially when it came to situations that sounded too good to be true. One time a friend of mine said she knew a hair stylist who could do my hair for a very low cost. Which was great! We went to the man's apartment and my instincts told me something was wrong, but of course I ignored them. Well when I sat down in the chair I was offered something to drink. At first I refused but later accepted. I began to drink the orange juice but felt it was strange how persistent he was about it. As he started to do my hair he started to graze himself against me. I tried to think it was a mistake and moved my legs. After he was done with my hair I asked to use his bathroom. Upon passing a room to my left that was completely trashed I started to feel even more nervous. When I was done using his restroom I noticed a hole behind the toliet paper. I didn't want to cause attention because he was doing my friends hair but after awhile I began to feel very tired. He offered for me to lay down on his bed. I sent a text to my friend to let her know that I wanted to leave NOW. I asked him to get us some more juice and we ran out of his apartment. We ended up falling asleep in my car for hours because we could not drive. WE WERE SO LUCKY, YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT PEOPLE'S INTENTIONS ARE AND ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS! This industry has brought some of the most amazing people into my life and some of the worst. I would not change the life that I have been given or the opportunity, but you always have to love yourself first and never let anyone break your spirit. Anytime your instincts tell you a situation is bad for you and you do not feel comfortable tell someone!"